Friday 20 September 2013

Travel diary: Last minute trip and tangled thoughts.

Helloo.. So last week me and friends went to Penang! For the first time..first time for me la sebab pegi trip dengan kawan kawan. Ok..hang on.. I'm not that cool. Actually  Mr. Dad had a conference there. We "tagged" along.

So anyway, I decided to bring along Celine ( bukan nama sebenar) and Alia. Celine is from Sabah fyi, and she rarely gets to explore East Malaysia. Sebab kalau harapkan me and Alia nak bawa memang dua-dua pun tak berani la kan drive jauh2. Lol. It was a 3 nights 4 days trip, and because it was a last minute trip and I totally forgot about this "planned' trip, we couldn't book a hotel by the beach for the whole trip.  We had to stay where Dad stayed until the third day sebab "luckily" the city hotel tu fully booked and lucky enough dapat stay by the beach for the last night. Yeay. So of course laa hang by the beach jee once we got there. Tapi dah tan. :?

Day 1 and 2. City girls kinda trip. We went swimming, walked to the mall (jalan  okay, bawak payung), watched movie, karaoke , went back with packed dinner,ice cream, sambung tengok movie kat laptop and sleep. Cool huh. Dua hari pegi mall boleh tak sedar depan Gurney Plaza tu ada beach. Or else dah boleh picnic lunch dah. haha. The new mall kat sebelah tu 'Paragon Mall' best juga ada Sephora, H&M and so on.. 

Day 3 and 4. The view from our room.. 
Night market was fun too. Alia bought portable fan (haha) , Celine bought t-shirt for her family and me (McD for dinner!) yeay. Pastu balik tengok drama Baran kat TV3. Thumbs up for Scha. :)

The next morning naik fun tube.. and memang fun gila... I think we all screamed macam satu hotel terjaga. Ingatkan fun tube "safer" than banana boat. Tapi tak rupanya.. But it was worth rm60 per pax. Orang tu kata dia bagi 2 round. Tak tahu la betul ke tak . If you don't know what a fun tube is, its like a float attached to a speed boat. Float macam kat sunway lagoon tu tapi ada base. The one we rode memang untuk 3 orang. Try it if you ever had a chance. Memang best untuk relieve stress. Hihi.


Currently trying out these samples to "reverse" the tan. haha.

Stay tuned for the next travel diaries series. :B 
Room tour is up on my keek.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Blah blah blah.

Funny how things can change in a split second. Who would have thought that "a split second" does really exist in real life. Like that one time. I knew I shouldn't have gone, I knew something was wrong.. But I did anyway. And I lost you. From that moment onwards I try to trust my instincts more than anything else. It's really tricky, because how would u know if your choices are affected by whom or what?
I am one person who can't stand pressure. Who dislikes,and who will fall hard when something hits me. People say it's okay if you fall because there's no way to go but up, but if you fall too hard and your bones are all broken, there's no way you can get up. I'm sorry if there's so much of negativity. It's just.. Im just like you. I have emotions too. I go through ups and downs.
So.. anyway.. it had been crazy,rollercoaster emotion ride for me for the past 3 weeks. 2 weeks study break plus 3 days of exam alternately in a week. Blegh. Of course I didn't study 24-7 . Because I got so much other better things to do. Because my life is not just about that. I'm definitely in denial. hihi.

Anyway..(positive vibes coming). Me being me, during the study week feeling sappysadanddepressed , which, now that it's all over I don't know why I felt that way..went little trips to the mall. I can never be like so pumped up and like " Dang it, aiming for distinction!" Its just tooo much pressure for me. And just getting what I've achieved is good enough. So, for anyone out there who sees me as a "threat" , count me out. It's all yours. haha.

Ok, whatever. Bye! <3