You know how they say "distance makes the heart grow fonder".. Haha. Ok tak.. (maybe, maybe not.)
Sorry for the long overdue post.. There's not much to say about Dublin, not that I'm saying it's boring, but I didn't get the chance to visit as much as I hoped. Basically, I was literally "living" there for 10 days.. You know, morning breakfast (cereal+milk +omelette bila rajin), lunch at Zaika which is like the Malaysian meet-up place, jumpa ramai gila Malaysian students.. BUT it's actually a very small restaurant. Dinner, depends sometimes but usually macam tak dinner sebab lunch portion banyak sangat, and tidur awal. So in between meals jalan-jalan. As I said in the previous post, Alia and I planned our trip day-day. Senang cerita we didn't make any plans at all, no clue where to visit...
The first two days were spent at my cousin's place in Adamstown, Lucan. Best juga dapat makan homemade Malaysian dishes. Hihi. Lepas tu baru the adventure began.
Leeson Street. Spotted a Satria! |
Map of Dublin, again.. naik Hop On and Off.. This time macam tersalah pilih pulak. We took the green one sebab konon nampak classy tapi .. Live commentary.. err. Masa pergi Malahide castle naik the red one pulak. Oh tapi Hop On and Hop Off dekat Dublin lasts for 2 days.. 16 euro for students/senior, 24E for adults. Kids get to ride for free provided ada two adults yang bayar..
O'Connell Monument (with a bird on top of his head) hehe. |
Lush! weee <3 |
The only medical bookstore that I passed by. Dad asked me to check the bookstore out. *nerdy |
Zaika.. Almost everyday pergi sini. |
Chicken Tikka. One of my favourite.Masa ni je order dua nasi. But kalau order satu then share pun okay. Portion besar. :) | | | |
Smile Dental "Spa" |
Another pretty clinic. |
Because part of the trip was to find affordable stuff sebab "travelling alone" la katakan.. So.. kena la pegi the factory outlet.. I wanted to go to the one in UK tapi tak sempat.. Jadi pergi la Banbridge Factory Outlet ni.. We travelled 2 hours by bus from Dublin.. Mula-mula naik bus to O'Connell Street then walked to Busaras (it's like their bus station). The return ticket cost around 24 euro.
Busaras. |
Then, dah sampai Banbridge, guess what, they use pounds! Ok la because I didnt have much euro, tak bawak pun duit euro from Malaysia (because I didnt do my homework ingatkan Ireland pun pakai wth Izzah) haha. Anyway.. when we got to Banbridge, sepatutnya ada shuttle pergi the factory outlet tu, but when we arrived, macam terover excited pulak tak nampak bus terus rasa nak jalan.. Orang tu cakap 3 miles.. Dulu kat sekolah kan belajar in km.. mana la tau tapi rasa macam lagi jauh.. Tapi jalan jugak konon nak exercise.. We did ask around bila rasa macam dah jauh.. tah berapa minit tah.. Semua orang cakap after the second roundabout, turn left.. Tapi dah jalan (dah la berbukit-bukit) tak jugak jumpa roundabout.. Sampai betul-betul nampak the factory outlet.. from the back. I realy think we took the longer route sebab bila naik shuttle balik tak rasa macam jauh pun..
It's like we are in the middle of nowhere..
Pastu brands tak banyak pulak tu..... T.T
Nasib baik ada Starbucks. Where I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte and lemon cake. <3 |
The following day, sebab dah dissapointed with ... factory outlet, we decided to go to Kildare Factory Outlet pulak.. Lebih kurang 1 hour and 30 minutes the journey from Heuston Station to Kildare.. Ok la.. not bad.. But of course UK brands je banyak like Anya Hindmarch, Cath Kidston, Furla, Ralph Lauren , and so on.. Lupa nak ambil gambar. I know.. Oh well..
I think it shows how happy I was. *ignore tudung comot please. |
And then, we decided that we have to go to atleast one castle.. so memang random gila.. as usual.. lepas breakfast jalan kat Stephen's Green tu.. (where most of the tourist buses "park") nampak this red bus, terus tanya about the Castle trip.. and he said there's one bus leaving in 10 mins ke apa tah , if we really want it he would make a phone call suruh driver dekat Trinity College tu tunggu kejap. Kitorang pun on je la.. pastu lari2 pergi Trinity College to catch the bus.. tapi sempat je singgah beli sandwich.. haha
Malahide Castle |
Trust me it smells... funky here. What do u expect kan.. fishing village. |
The "tour" was really fun.. 24 euro which included the Malahide castle + coastal tour..but..tak boleh beat Malaysia punya beach but dengan cuaca yang sejuk angin sepoi-sepoi tu.. Semua nampak cantik. hehe.
In between those day-trip pergi shopping along Grafton Street and O'Connell Street. Kat Dublin ada Penneys which is their version of Primark. I don't know why they change the name. It sounds so.. Alia and I would make a joke everytime. Let's go to .. err.
Oh yaa. While we were walking along Grafton Street, me went to endless shop while Alia duduk kat luar enjoying the street band, we got the chance to see this band called "Key West" and the song "Wait For Me" caught my heart. Eceh. Maybe because I can relate to the lyrics? ...
Bubbles. So prettyy. Next time when I'm with daddy I'm gonna make him buy me these. *bratgirl's voice. |
Berangan jap. *oh ignore my super cool glove. Malas nak beli. At least it kept my hands warm. Kay. |
Some #tips if ur planning to visit Ireland:
1. There's currently no direct flight from Malaysia(MAS) to Dublin. Tak tau pulak about other airlines. But it takes roughly about an hour from London.
2. The currency in Ireland is euro. But in North Ireland, its pounds. Why? Google la na. haha.
3. Language : Irish/English note that U is pronounced as "uu". So its bus and pubs. If you get what I mean. Hiks
Yes, I love u Dublin. |
Goodbye pinktober till next time..
p/s: Ye ye je "not much to say" bila joyah mode on panjang je post ni. Ok till next time! <3
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