Almost two years since your passing. And I can clearly remember everything, every single detail, how and when it happened. 14/1/2012, the day I was supposed to go to a seminar. I shook your hands and it was icy cold. I knew something was not right, but I left anyway, thinking I already made a promise that I'd go. So I went, arrived at where Im supposed to be, and received the most nerve-wrecking call of my life. Rushed back to the hospital, by the time I got there you were not there anymore.. I remember crying so bad to dad, asking why did you have to leave? I haven't spent enough time with you.
Al-fatihah. I really really miss u ma. There is really nothing I can do apart from praying for you. But if only you were here, I'd tell you what happened in my everyday life, about my first extraction, my first RCT. Because no one would understand my excitement better than you would. The thought of you not being here, during my graduation, or my wedding or when I have my "first" of everything just kills me..
Anyway mum. I'm almost there.. finishing the last few months and requirements of my final year. And after that, who knows what will happen.. I love you. xoxo.
p/s: Im getting used to calling for "Baa?!" instead of "Maa..?!" everytime I come home, apart from calling my cats of course. :(
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Friday, 1 November 2013
Travel diary: UK/IRL Part 2- Fell in love.
You know how they say "distance makes the heart grow fonder".. Haha. Ok tak.. (maybe, maybe not.)
Sorry for the long overdue post.. There's not much to say about Dublin, not that I'm saying it's boring, but I didn't get the chance to visit as much as I hoped. Basically, I was literally "living" there for 10 days.. You know, morning breakfast (cereal+milk +omelette bila rajin), lunch at Zaika which is like the Malaysian meet-up place, jumpa ramai gila Malaysian students.. BUT it's actually a very small restaurant. Dinner, depends sometimes but usually macam tak dinner sebab lunch portion banyak sangat, and tidur awal. So in between meals jalan-jalan. As I said in the previous post, Alia and I planned our trip day-day. Senang cerita we didn't make any plans at all, no clue where to visit...
The first two days were spent at my cousin's place in Adamstown, Lucan. Best juga dapat makan homemade Malaysian dishes. Hihi. Lepas tu baru the adventure began.
Map of Dublin, again.. naik Hop On and Off.. This time macam tersalah pilih pulak. We took the green one sebab konon nampak classy tapi .. Live commentary.. err. Masa pergi Malahide castle naik the red one pulak. Oh tapi Hop On and Hop Off dekat Dublin lasts for 2 days.. 16 euro for students/senior, 24E for adults. Kids get to ride for free provided ada two adults yang bayar..
Because part of the trip was to find affordable stuff sebab "travelling alone" la katakan.. So.. kena la pegi the factory outlet.. I wanted to go to the one in UK tapi tak sempat.. Jadi pergi la Banbridge Factory Outlet ni.. We travelled 2 hours by bus from Dublin.. Mula-mula naik bus to O'Connell Street then walked to Busaras (it's like their bus station). The return ticket cost around 24 euro.
Then, dah sampai Banbridge, guess what, they use pounds! Ok la because I didnt have much euro, tak bawak pun duit euro from Malaysia (because I didnt do my homework ingatkan Ireland pun pakai wth Izzah) haha. Anyway.. when we got to Banbridge, sepatutnya ada shuttle pergi the factory outlet tu, but when we arrived, macam terover excited pulak tak nampak bus terus rasa nak jalan.. Orang tu cakap 3 miles.. Dulu kat sekolah kan belajar in km.. mana la tau tapi rasa macam lagi jauh.. Tapi jalan jugak konon nak exercise.. We did ask around bila rasa macam dah jauh.. tah berapa minit tah.. Semua orang cakap after the second roundabout, turn left.. Tapi dah jalan (dah la berbukit-bukit) tak jugak jumpa roundabout.. Sampai betul-betul nampak the factory outlet.. from the back. I realy think we took the longer route sebab bila naik shuttle balik tak rasa macam jauh pun..
The following day, sebab dah dissapointed with ... factory outlet, we decided to go to Kildare Factory Outlet pulak.. Lebih kurang 1 hour and 30 minutes the journey from Heuston Station to Kildare.. Ok la.. not bad.. But of course UK brands je banyak like Anya Hindmarch, Cath Kidston, Furla, Ralph Lauren , and so on.. Lupa nak ambil gambar. I know.. Oh well..
And then, we decided that we have to go to atleast one castle.. so memang random gila.. as usual.. lepas breakfast jalan kat Stephen's Green tu.. (where most of the tourist buses "park") nampak this red bus, terus tanya about the Castle trip.. and he said there's one bus leaving in 10 mins ke apa tah , if we really want it he would make a phone call suruh driver dekat Trinity College tu tunggu kejap. Kitorang pun on je la.. pastu lari2 pergi Trinity College to catch the bus.. tapi sempat je singgah beli sandwich.. haha
The "tour" was really fun.. 24 euro which included the Malahide castle + coastal tour..but..tak boleh beat Malaysia punya beach but dengan cuaca yang sejuk angin sepoi-sepoi tu.. Semua nampak cantik. hehe.
In between those day-trip pergi shopping along Grafton Street and O'Connell Street. Kat Dublin ada Penneys which is their version of Primark. I don't know why they change the name. It sounds so.. Alia and I would make a joke everytime. Let's go to .. err.
Oh yaa. While we were walking along Grafton Street, me went to endless shop while Alia duduk kat luar enjoying the street band, we got the chance to see this band called "Key West" and the song "Wait For Me" caught my heart. Eceh. Maybe because I can relate to the lyrics? ...
Some #tips if ur planning to visit Ireland:
1. There's currently no direct flight from Malaysia(MAS) to Dublin. Tak tau pulak about other airlines. But it takes roughly about an hour from London.
2. The currency in Ireland is euro. But in North Ireland, its pounds. Why? Google la na. haha.
3. Language : Irish/English note that U is pronounced as "uu". So its bus and pubs. If you get what I mean. Hiks
p/s: Ye ye je "not much to say" bila joyah mode on panjang je post ni. Ok till next time! <3
Sorry for the long overdue post.. There's not much to say about Dublin, not that I'm saying it's boring, but I didn't get the chance to visit as much as I hoped. Basically, I was literally "living" there for 10 days.. You know, morning breakfast (cereal+milk +omelette bila rajin), lunch at Zaika which is like the Malaysian meet-up place, jumpa ramai gila Malaysian students.. BUT it's actually a very small restaurant. Dinner, depends sometimes but usually macam tak dinner sebab lunch portion banyak sangat, and tidur awal. So in between meals jalan-jalan. As I said in the previous post, Alia and I planned our trip day-day. Senang cerita we didn't make any plans at all, no clue where to visit...
The first two days were spent at my cousin's place in Adamstown, Lucan. Best juga dapat makan homemade Malaysian dishes. Hihi. Lepas tu baru the adventure began.
Leeson Street. Spotted a Satria! |
Map of Dublin, again.. naik Hop On and Off.. This time macam tersalah pilih pulak. We took the green one sebab konon nampak classy tapi .. Live commentary.. err. Masa pergi Malahide castle naik the red one pulak. Oh tapi Hop On and Hop Off dekat Dublin lasts for 2 days.. 16 euro for students/senior, 24E for adults. Kids get to ride for free provided ada two adults yang bayar..
O'Connell Monument (with a bird on top of his head) hehe. |
Lush! weee <3 |
| |||||
The only medical bookstore that I passed by. Dad asked me to check the bookstore out. *nerdy |
Zaika.. Almost everyday pergi sini. |
Chicken Tikka. One of my favourite.Masa ni je order dua nasi. But kalau order satu then share pun okay. Portion besar. :) |
Smile Dental "Spa" |
Another pretty clinic. |
Busaras. |
Then, dah sampai Banbridge, guess what, they use pounds! Ok la because I didnt have much euro, tak bawak pun duit euro from Malaysia (because I didnt do my homework ingatkan Ireland pun pakai wth Izzah) haha. Anyway.. when we got to Banbridge, sepatutnya ada shuttle pergi the factory outlet tu, but when we arrived, macam terover excited pulak tak nampak bus terus rasa nak jalan.. Orang tu cakap 3 miles.. Dulu kat sekolah kan belajar in km.. mana la tau tapi rasa macam lagi jauh.. Tapi jalan jugak konon nak exercise.. We did ask around bila rasa macam dah jauh.. tah berapa minit tah.. Semua orang cakap after the second roundabout, turn left.. Tapi dah jalan (dah la berbukit-bukit) tak jugak jumpa roundabout.. Sampai betul-betul nampak the factory outlet.. from the back. I realy think we took the longer route sebab bila naik shuttle balik tak rasa macam jauh pun..
It's like we are in the middle of nowhere.. Pastu brands tak banyak pulak tu..... T.T
I think it shows how happy I was. *ignore tudung comot please. |
And then, we decided that we have to go to atleast one castle.. so memang random gila.. as usual.. lepas breakfast jalan kat Stephen's Green tu.. (where most of the tourist buses "park") nampak this red bus, terus tanya about the Castle trip.. and he said there's one bus leaving in 10 mins ke apa tah , if we really want it he would make a phone call suruh driver dekat Trinity College tu tunggu kejap. Kitorang pun on je la.. pastu lari2 pergi Trinity College to catch the bus.. tapi sempat je singgah beli sandwich.. haha
Malahide Castle |
Trust me it smells... funky here. What do u expect kan.. fishing village. |
In between those day-trip pergi shopping along Grafton Street and O'Connell Street. Kat Dublin ada Penneys which is their version of Primark. I don't know why they change the name. It sounds so.. Alia and I would make a joke everytime. Let's go to .. err.
Oh yaa. While we were walking along Grafton Street, me went to endless shop while Alia duduk kat luar enjoying the street band, we got the chance to see this band called "Key West" and the song "Wait For Me" caught my heart. Eceh. Maybe because I can relate to the lyrics? ...
Bubbles. So prettyy. Next time when I'm with daddy I'm gonna make him buy me these. *bratgirl's voice. |
Berangan jap. *oh ignore my super cool glove. Malas nak beli. At least it kept my hands warm. Kay. |
Some #tips if ur planning to visit Ireland:
1. There's currently no direct flight from Malaysia(MAS) to Dublin. Tak tau pulak about other airlines. But it takes roughly about an hour from London.
2. The currency in Ireland is euro. But in North Ireland, its pounds. Why? Google la na. haha.
3. Language : Irish/English note that U is pronounced as "uu". So its bus and pubs. If you get what I mean. Hiks
Yes, I love u Dublin. |
Goodbye pinktober till next time.. |
p/s: Ye ye je "not much to say" bila joyah mode on panjang je post ni. Ok till next time! <3
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Travel diary : UK/IRL Part 1 - Woke up in London.
Okay. Yeay! Finally I've decided to just ramble about my UK/IRL trip. Where should I start.. hmmm.......... FYI I never planned my blog post. Main hentam je tulis. Tu sebab bersepah. For me kena tulis masa ada "mood" i.e masa tengah excited. haha.
First of all, let me just shout it out loud, let the whole world know, (as if) I hate plane rides. It drains me down , make me super anxious and super tired. Dah la dalam plane orang kiri kanan minum beer tak tau berapa tin. *sabar je laa.. haha. Dalam hati dah macam " Ya Allah, selamatkanlah aku"
After forcing myself to watch endless in-flight movies and tv series, eat and sleep, sampai jugak at last. After 13 hours and 10 minutes.. Alhamdulillah. Hee.. So.. London-Dublin-London. 4 days in London, TEN days in Dublin, 4 days in London balik masa balik. If you get what I mean. Anyway, what I was most excited about this trip was to visit the Harry Potter Studios.. *nerd alert. hehe. AND LUSH..... and of course the touristy stuff, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Bridge, Tower Bridge etc..
In Dublin, Alia and I had to plan our trip from day to day. Yup, we didn't go on any tour except for the Hop On Hop Off , Malahide Castle, other then that redah je hentam naik bus, and hentam jalan sampai terpaksa beli kasut baru. Funny me pegi bawak close up shoes sebab mmg plan nak beli kasut. It literally felt like I broke my pinky toe. Tapi sebelah kanan je kenapa? Jalan senget ke? Sob sob. Oh ya.. shout out to Kak Ten for lending me her jacket. Kept me warm. Awwh. are the tickets.. from Heathrow-Dublin-Banbridge-Kildare-London-Hounslow-Watford. Where most of my money goes.. sob sob. Alasan tak beli souvenir sangat. Rasa mcm such adults travelling alone.. ok ada kawan. Ok ada Auntie jugak. I told u it was a looooong story cut short. Most of the time I was with Alia je. But still.. Accomplishment. Pencapaian hidup.
Just imagine two girls or should I say ladies, no internet connection hence no google , no gps, berbekalkan maps, no idea where to visit in Dublin especially and little voices to ask people where and how to get around places. Hahah. Ok tipu.. masa mula-mula tu Auntie ada la bawak jalan2 so tau la sikit2.. We stayed with my auntie masa kat Dublin. Hari-hari dia pesan " jangan balik lambat" Tapi.. hehe. Well..I'm 23 and she's ..... #justsaying
Ini pula adalah map free dapat masa naik Hop On Hop Off London. Auntie dah pesan, "kalau tak tau nak pergi mana naik je Hop on Hop off tu satu hari" Erk memang naik setengah hari je la kan.. It was 16 pounds if I'm not mistaken for whole day trip. We took the "Big Bus Tour" instead of the "Original Tour". Don't know why. Nampak lagi menarik dan classy gitu.
First of all, let me just shout it out loud, let the whole world know, (as if) I hate plane rides. It drains me down , make me super anxious and super tired. Dah la dalam plane orang kiri kanan minum beer tak tau berapa tin. *sabar je laa.. haha. Dalam hati dah macam " Ya Allah, selamatkanlah aku"
After forcing myself to watch endless in-flight movies and tv series, eat and sleep, sampai jugak at last. After 13 hours and 10 minutes.. Alhamdulillah. Hee.. So.. London-Dublin-London. 4 days in London, TEN days in Dublin, 4 days in London balik masa balik. If you get what I mean. Anyway, what I was most excited about this trip was to visit the Harry Potter Studios.. *nerd alert. hehe. AND LUSH..... and of course the touristy stuff, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Bridge, Tower Bridge etc..
In Dublin, Alia and I had to plan our trip from day to day. Yup, we didn't go on any tour except for the Hop On Hop Off , Malahide Castle, other then that redah je hentam naik bus, and hentam jalan sampai terpaksa beli kasut baru. Funny me pegi bawak close up shoes sebab mmg plan nak beli kasut. It literally felt like I broke my pinky toe. Tapi sebelah kanan je kenapa? Jalan senget ke? Sob sob. Oh ya.. shout out to Kak Ten for lending me her jacket. Kept me warm. Awwh. are the tickets.. from Heathrow-Dublin-Banbridge-Kildare-London-Hounslow-Watford. Where most of my money goes.. sob sob. Alasan tak beli souvenir sangat. Rasa mcm such adults travelling alone.. ok ada kawan. Ok ada Auntie jugak. I told u it was a looooong story cut short. Most of the time I was with Alia je. But still.. Accomplishment. Pencapaian hidup.
Just imagine two girls or should I say ladies, no internet connection hence no google , no gps, berbekalkan maps, no idea where to visit in Dublin especially and little voices to ask people where and how to get around places. Hahah. Ok tipu.. masa mula-mula tu Auntie ada la bawak jalan2 so tau la sikit2.. We stayed with my auntie masa kat Dublin. Hari-hari dia pesan " jangan balik lambat" Tapi.. hehe. Well..I'm 23 and she's ..... #justsaying
Ini pula adalah map free dapat masa naik Hop On Hop Off London. Auntie dah pesan, "kalau tak tau nak pergi mana naik je Hop on Hop off tu satu hari" Erk memang naik setengah hari je la kan.. It was 16 pounds if I'm not mistaken for whole day trip. We took the "Big Bus Tour" instead of the "Original Tour". Don't know why. Nampak lagi menarik dan classy gitu.
Which one would you pick?
The big map of London. Ok tapi London quite easy to get around because of the super reliable tube. Plus, Alia and Auntie have been there quite a number of times so they know where to get around. While on the hop on and off bus..
Yes.. Gloomy weather. :/
Hamleys,where I had my Twix milkshake. Sedap gila sampai lupa nak ambil gambar. Nyums.
Pls ignore muka comot baju ternaik. haha. Teringat kat Yayah tangkap gambar ni. Ecece.
Tada! The tube map. All you need to do is:
1. Know where you are going
2. Tengok train tu last stop kat mana, which line you are going to take.
3. Buy the ticket . For me I bought the 'Day ticket' sebab kadang2 balik hotel then keluar balik. Roughly dalam 8.7 pounds kalau day ticket from Zone 1-6.
The only annoying thing is like most tickets, they are very sensitive. Kalau letak near phone ke handbag yg ada magnet mesti problem. Luckily sentiasa ada the officers who are ever willing to help you, provided the ticket memang valid la. Or, you can buy the "Oyster" card. Macam "touch and go".
Of course, tak sah kalau pergi London tak visit Madam Tussauds kan..
Kesian Alia she was so excited to meet her bf i.e Justin Timberlake because apparently, her brother visited the wax museum in April, ada JT tapi kitorang cari + dah tanya orang, takde pun. Agaknya ada la fanatic yg terpatahkan something kot.. haha.
Ada a guy tangkap gambar tutup Beckham. I guess I'm just not tall enough or maybe Victoria was wearing heels. Hehe. Muka excited terlebih sebab rasa kelakar tak dapat tutup Posh.
Haih its like One Direction everywhere when you are in UK.
I know.. "We" could have had it ALL. (creepy tak)
Us at the Disney Store.
Spotted these super cutee boots.
Okay.. hush hush. I guess that's it for part 1. Stay tuned and goodnight!
P/s: I don't know what's up with my keek I can't seem to post videos. Till then..
Sleep tight!
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Jetlag post.
Hey.. I just got back from my super awesome trip with my soul sister. Hehe. Funny how we two met because never in a million years I thought I'll end up in ***** University. Got to admit it was my very last choice, but I guess Rihanna's song " We found love in a hopeless place" does really apply here.
Anyway, as always, it was a last minute trip. Again. Not planned. I did wanted to go with my dad initially, but looooooooooooooong story cut short, I went with Alia instead. I'm not saying she's my last choice.. haha.
As promised, my "travel diaries" will be up soon. For now, here's some random thoughts:
"96% chance why I don't reply to ur text is when I seriously, like seriously don't know what to say / response, 1% when I'm sad and not really pleased with what u've texted , 3% when I'm super busy / sleeping"
"There's a huge difference between sayang, dah sayang and stuck" #justsaying
Okay.. have a good day!
P/s: Im kinda sad that my holidays are coming to an end, but I guess this is life huh. Pasrah habis.
Friday, 20 September 2013
Travel diary: Last minute trip and tangled thoughts.
Helloo.. So last week me and friends went to Penang! For the first time..first time for me la sebab pegi trip dengan kawan kawan. Ok..hang on.. I'm not that cool. Actually Mr. Dad had a conference there. We "tagged" along.
So anyway, I decided to bring along Celine ( bukan nama sebenar) and Alia. Celine is from Sabah fyi, and she rarely gets to explore East Malaysia. Sebab kalau harapkan me and Alia nak bawa memang dua-dua pun tak berani la kan drive jauh2. Lol. It was a 3 nights 4 days trip, and because it was a last minute trip and I totally forgot about this "planned' trip, we couldn't book a hotel by the beach for the whole trip. We had to stay where Dad stayed until the third day sebab "luckily" the city hotel tu fully booked and lucky enough dapat stay by the beach for the last night. Yeay. So of course laa hang by the beach jee once we got there. Tapi dah tan. :?
Day 1 and 2. City girls kinda trip. We went swimming, walked to the mall (jalan okay, bawak payung), watched movie, karaoke , went back with packed dinner,ice cream, sambung tengok movie kat laptop and sleep. Cool huh. Dua hari pegi mall boleh tak sedar depan Gurney Plaza tu ada beach. Or else dah boleh picnic lunch dah. haha. The new mall kat sebelah tu 'Paragon Mall' best juga ada Sephora, H&M and so on..
Day 3 and 4. The view from our room..
Night market was fun too. Alia bought portable fan (haha) , Celine bought t-shirt for her family and me (McD for dinner!) yeay. Pastu balik tengok drama Baran kat TV3. Thumbs up for Scha. :)
The next morning naik fun tube.. and memang fun gila... I think we all screamed macam satu hotel terjaga. Ingatkan fun tube "safer" than banana boat. Tapi tak rupanya.. But it was worth rm60 per pax. Orang tu kata dia bagi 2 round. Tak tahu la betul ke tak . If you don't know what a fun tube is, its like a float attached to a speed boat. Float macam kat sunway lagoon tu tapi ada base. The one we rode memang untuk 3 orang. Try it if you ever had a chance. Memang best untuk relieve stress. Hihi.
Currently trying out these samples to "reverse" the tan. haha.
Stay tuned for the next travel diaries series. :B
Room tour is up on my keek.
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