Saturday 14 June 2014

Babble time and life updates!

The long overdue post. 

Its Juuuuuneeee! My fav month of all times because it's my birthday. (hihi). So my best-cousin got engaged and I'm super duper happy for her. (Despite the 10 years relationship drama, ups and downs, they are FINALLY engaged) . Im not good with words unless I'm really emo. Just enjoy the pictures! 8)

Seconds before the "walk of fame" to the altar. haha. This girl got too excited and walked so fast. Even ter-tripped over. Classsic yayah. I had to ask her to walk slooooowly yah! And of course ada suara2 sumbang mokcik cakap "lajunya". Haih mokcik2. I still love u anyway. :*

 After the sarung cincin ceremony. Awh look at those happy faces. Yayah and her future MIL. :') 
They look alike don't they?

Half of us cousins, my sister MIA. Have always been "control ayu" infront of the camera. Tetapi.. bila disuruh post free-style.. We took it to the next level.

Fake laugh! ahahaha. 

And my sister came late because she had an appoinment with her designer for Raya. OTT sangat. I know i look more like Yayah then my own sister. :B

The cake decorator/ baker who baked her own hantaran cake. Crazy right. And she's gonna make her own wedding cake too. *bgm superhuman


Free-style part 2.

Congrats bunny. You have always been my bestfriend since the day I was born. (Ugh). Haha hard to admit but that's the truth. I'm so happy for you and I wish u all the best. Thanks for choosing me as ur maid of honour. Haha. Although its a known fact that obviously it's gonna be nobody else but me. Thank u for being there for me all this while and hopefully after u get married we can still get to shop together. wuuuuaaaaaaa. 

Till then, 


p/s: my sister is getting married tooo. say. Whaaaat. 


  1. Aww honeyh. I'm in tears...!! Chooo cweet. Yes yes my maid of honour. We're gonna have fun fun fun. Lets count berapa kali nangis sebab wedding preparation. Muahahahah. Luv ya to bits.
